Clarisea Gen2, 陶瓷過濾磚, Illumagic 影魔奇, POKPO 虹吸管, 套缸系統


New beginning of this 60cm*45cm*45cm reef tank. Without the sand, this tank is going to be bare bottom tank. Clarisea gen2 will be the main filtration of this system in company with the ceramic bricks that we really love to use. The POKPO siphon system is responsible to the overflow of the whole tank water. With the ComboRay G2, CR-60MW, the tank will be filled with mainly LPS corals which can be easily handled by this 36W light source. Anything else special? No! Let’s build this tank up with passion again!



60cmx45cmx45cm, 8mm厚主缸 (漁町出品)
+ 50cmx40cmx40cm, 5mm厚底缸 (漁町出品)
+ 46cmx46cmx70cm, 304不鏽鋼底架 (漁町出品)
+ 影魔奇CR-60MW LED燈具
+ Clarisea gen2 SK-3000不織布捲筒前置過濾器
+ 崴騰蜂巢陶瓷磚
+ POKPO 虹吸溢流出入水組
+ Rio 16HF主馬達

= 您意想不到的價格!

心動了嗎? 來訊探探價格吧!

